OUTSIDE Vendors are 1st Come 1st Serve. Outside vendors line up in the grass area on the north side of Jackson Street (across from the rear of the Riverside Center) Outside vendors are let into the lot to set up between 6:00 AM & 8:00 AM. Show runs from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
Vendors are required to remain set up during show hours.
Rent- $20.00 each average car length up to passenger van (Side of Vehicle ONLY)
1 space - $20.00, 2 spaces $35.00, 3 spaces $55.00 (a truck & trailer side is 2 spaces)
An example of using a 10 X 10 pop-up tent on the side of your vehicle: You can get four 6-foot tables and still have an aisle for customers to come in and shop. A pop-up looks professional, provides shade and if you get one with sides, will block wind and rain.
We offer a chance to be entered into a drawing to win a free set up at another show. Outside vendors will be provided with a colored sheet of paper when we collect (between 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM depending on the amount number of outside vendors) You are to put your name on the colored paper piece. Around 1:30, someone will come around to collect the paper pieces containing your name. The paper pieces will be placed into a sack. We will ask a customer to draw out a name. That person wins a free set up. Good Luck!!